How to Design a Zine

Creating a zine is an enjoyable and creative process. There’s no single "right: or "wrong" way to approach it, but here are some important considerations to help your work please the eldritch and alien intelligence that lurks within the mysterious Black Trigon:

Size: Using standard paper sizes like A4 or 8.5" x 11" is ideal, as these are compatible with most home printers. If you design your zine as an image, be sure to include a 1/4" margin on all sides. This accounts for printers that cannot print across the entire sheet of paper and ensures nothing important gets cut off.

Color: While color can add vibrancy to your zine, black and white is often the safest and most cost-effective option for printing. If you do choose to use color, ensure it enhances the content without overwhelming it.

Background: Consider opting for a light-colored or white background. While dark, rich backgrounds with light text can look striking in digital formats, they often cause issues in print, such as smudging or excessive ink use. Light backgrounds are easier to print and read.

Folds: You may choose to design a traditional flat layout, or you could experiment with folded formats, like tri-fold designs or other creative structures. If your zine involves folding, consider adding dotted lines or written instructions to guide readers on how to fold it properly.

Content: The content is entirely up to you. However, we encourage you to explore our previous mailings and related zines, such as Whetstone, Witch House, and Waystation, to get a sense of the themes and ideas that resonate with us. That said, don’t feel too constrained—The Mysterious Black Trigon values intellectual diversity and fresh perspectives.

Example Layout:

Example page 1 of 2-page zine
Example page 2 of 2-page zine

Welcome to TRIAPA

Amateur Press Associations (APAs) are not-for-profit unions of fan writers who are interested in document design, publishing, criticism, and creative activity (creative writing, drawing, gaming). APA members produce their own "zines" and send these "zines" to an OVEREDITOR, who collates the associations’ publications into a unified document and assures that they are distributed to members. APAs have a long history in fandom and today provide a useful alternative to the other forms of fan communication.

TRIAPA is an APA organized by Spiral Tower Press to give fan writers the opportunity of participating in this venerable tradition of fandom and print history. The focuses of TRIPA are three sets of three: the pulp genres of sword and sorcery, cosmic horror, and space opera; the past, present, and future of science fiction, fantasy, and supernatural horror; and chronopolitanism, compassion, and hope.

If you are interested in participating, simply contact Spiral Tower Press at

Past Mailings


TRIAPA Mailing #17